Muse is a shade from Zoya's Summer Bubbly Collection. Unlike the Tickled Collection, which consisted of cremes, the Bubbly Collection has six glitter jelly shades. I would call it a glitter jelly because the base color of the nail polish itself is sheer, and the glitter is not gritty at all once it is on the nails like regular glitter finish nail polishes so it looks more like a glitter-jelly sandwich.
For the swatches of Muse, I took all the pictures in this post in low-light/in the shade. I originally swatched all of the shades from the Bubbly Collection under sunlight without being able to view it on my camera (the screen broke so the only time I was able to see it was after I uploaded, big mistake =x) and once I uploaded it all after swatching onto my computer, they were basically horrible looking under direct sunlight, so I had to redo it and I started with Muse.
Muse is a gorgeous blue-green that reminds me of a mermaid's tail. The first coat was very sheer, but by the second coat, it looked fully opaque in shade, however, you would be able to see the nail line under direct sunlight so I would recommend three coats with this. Compared to the bottle, I feel like you see more color variation of the glitters in it instead of on the nail because the blue base totally covers it.
For Muse, I actually wore this shade for the whole week without a base coat and a top coat to see how it wears. Normally without a base coat & top coat, blue colored nail polishes will stain my nails like crazy and it will chip a lot by the 3rd day. I did not find that with this because by the 5th day, I only noticed some minimal tip wear, which was crazy good at lasting on my nails. During that time, I have washed many dishes, my hair many times, and my three dogs and it did not peel or chip. When I took it off, there was no staining, but the glitter itself sticks on the nails even after the color of the nail polish is gone, which kind of irritated my nails (from my previous infection) because my nails itself has been thin and peeling a lot so the glitter sticking on it was painful to remove each time I had to remove them (it felt like I was peeling skin off of myself when the glitter came with it). The wear and no staining was what made me like the formula of this.
When Zoya first introduced this as a scattered holographic collection, I was expecting it to be like the previous ones from their Holiday collections such as Dream, Blaze, Aurora, etc. However, this was totally different so I was a bit disappointed because it does not really seem that holographic.
Overall, I really liked the color (when it was in the shade), formula, and the wear time. No staining for a blue nail polish is also a plus. I just wish the glitter would "pop" out more and have it look better under direct sunlight. Under direct sunlight, this polish looked "bleh" like it was not interesting at all, but I liked how it looked in low-light, and pretty much the same applied to all the other colors I have tried in this collection.
Muse retails for $9 and can be purchased at Zoya.com.
*Disclaimer: The products in this post were provided to me for my honest opinion/review from the brand. I was not paid for this review & all opinions are my own.