In addition to the Summer Tickled Collection from Zoya, they have also released their Magical Pixie Dust line for Summer, which comes with three shades. One of the shades from the Summer Magical Pixie Collection is Bar.
This was pictured outdoor in the shade. In the shade, it definitely looks gritty since it's not in your face shining, but it's still nice.
This was taken outdoor in sunlight, but away from the sun and not directly from the sun.
When the picture is blurred, you see the different colors from the glitter a lot better.
Taken up-close, you can see the texture of the nail polish better. Although it looks gritty, the gritty-ness of it wears off after a few hours of wear.
Overall, I like how sparkly these Magical Pixie Dust more compared to the ones from the original line, however, they do feel a lot more gritty than the regular textured ones. As always, I like applying these a few hours before I shower so once it's dry and I take a shower, it definitely helps lessen the gritty-ness of it so that will not cling onto things like your clothes or cotton as easily. I'm more of a fan after the gritty feeling has dulled down to a sandy feeling than when it's rough.
What are your thoughts of the Magical Pixie Dust? Do you prefer the Magical ones, or the ones from the regular textured line?
**Disclaimer: The products in this post were provided to me for my honest opinion/review from the brand. I was not paid for this review & all opinions are my own.